Possibilities on the Horizon

I am working with the powerfully moving artist, Adam Castañeda, on a project entitled “Minos’ Home”. This project asks the question, How do housing developers effect generational family homes? With the inspiration of two iconic mythical archetypes, the Minotaur and Ariadne, we are making a most engaging performance work! Adam’s movement language complements mine so perfectly. Tune into my website for future details!


Pilot Dance Project: Underneath the Surface

It’s been a month I haven’t updated my blog! Thank you for taking time to read this message. My duet with the amazing Adam Castañeda went very well for my first in-person performance in over a year! My next performance is a work by Pilot Dance Project: very exciting. This work is entitled Underneath the Surface. I have a solo in this one, so please check it out! Dates are June 25-27. Location is PET Outdoor Theater. As soon as I receive ticket details, I will post info on my website and on my social media sites.

With Love in my heart,


Tether-inspired Solo Dance Work!

Please visit this YouTube link and watch my short solo performance inspired by Pilot Dance Project and Ashley Horn’s recent in-person performance entitled, Tether. YouTube link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR12p_aajmUymaBzoVoWDV8Dj7L9Yi379yERLBkHB1fpNjosukzvZ21wtUE&v=hGxkgG1b9VA&feature=youtu.be


Boots are made for dancing.

Syrupy sweet plum burgundy leather. Weathered with worldly adventures. Steel toes: a hidden armor for accidental stomping by strangers in a frantically moving city. My superhero, punk boots will be two of the stars in the May duet show with the fabulous Adam Castaneda! Get ready for a NEW, fun, humorous, and powerful performance in May. You will not be disappointed! -Kima


Here’s what’s cookin’!

Hello and welcome back to my bi-weekly blog, you lovely person you! Adam and I are coming up with some brilliant choreography for our Spring performance. Our approaches to choreography are so complementary. It is truly an honor to work with Adam Castaneda! I am on the hunt for theatre and dance festivals where Adam and I as well as Marcus Quinones and I may present our works. Please like or share my website on your social media feeds. Thank you for reading! Visit my blog page again in a few weeks to see what I am up to then.
Love and Light. - Kima


Here’s what’s shakin’…

Hello fantastic human, and welcome back to my blog page! My commedia play is coming along at a gradual pace. The duet with the magical Adam Castaneda is going swimmingly. Wait until you see our costumes for this one! Who doesn’t love a good ensemble for a fun dance work? Not us, right? That’s right! Well, come back and check out another blog entry soon. Thank you so much for reading! XOKima


A Few New Works Coming Soon!

Wow, it’s been a while since I posted my performance news here. Welcome back lovely people! In May (I will post specific dates in April) Adam and I will be performing our NEW duet work right here in Houston, Texas. Expect a fantastic NEW PERFORMANCE SURPRISE coming your way soon! In addition to my new duet work (the rehearsals are going swimmingly), my magical friend, Marcus Quinones, and I are devising TWO NEW WORKS: an object puppet show and a commedia show. So, here’s a question for you to ponder until my May show: In this technological age, where does humanity live these days? Stay tuned for more details about my upcoming shows by visiting my website in February! Ciao for now, Karen a.k.a. Kima.


Update on the Union Arts Festival...

Welcome back to my website and blog! The fact you are reading this blog truly warms my heart. So, the duet Adam and I are making will hopefully premiere in early May of this year in place of February. Due to COVID cases rising in Houston, Edgar —he’s the festival mastermind— wanted us to present our work in a more safe future. We will see what happens. In the meantime, I received some funding from Dance Source Houston to help us make this work, which is wonderful news! I am also planning a future large-scale multidisciplinary work. All I can tell you at this time (do not want to give anything way yet) is this future work will take place in a labrynth world with a minotaur creature as a central character. Are you intrigued yet? Check back here next week for another blog about my creative process! Ciao for now. -Karen

Preparing February Work with Adam Castaneda...

Where are our real selves in this age of technology? Who are we without our devices? These questions are the basis of my NEW work with Adam Castaneda: the talented choreographer, dancer, and all-around beautiful human being. I am noticing in my students and in myself how easily the lines of your real self are blurred on the internet and in real life. For example, you can be an internet sensation and walk around your real life without people recognizing the real you. We are not only our talents, after all. Please check out the local Union Arts Festival right here in H-town, Texas; otherwise known as Houston to non-local lovies in my life. The Union Arts Festival is happening on February 10 and 11, 2021. Google Union Arts Festival Houston for more details in January 2021. Big love to Edgar for making this Festival a reality! I will continue to add a blog of my artistic process weekly. Please come back and visit my website every week for another blog! Ciao for now, Karen a.k.a. kima

Headshot by Pin LIm

Headshot by Pin LIm

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